David Barnes Music

Featured Tracks:
Pragmatica (Pieces)
Autumn Col Legno (Pieces)
Hot Fudge Sundae (Subtraction)
QE3 (Terrain)
Sesquianna (Terrain)
Danz Kompaktor (Axiom)
Agent 17 (Axiom)

David Barnes is a multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer
specializing in acoustic and electronic ambient/experimental music.
His multilayered recordings feature unique combinations
of instrumentation and alternative playing techniques.

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David Barnes Fine Art Photography

Pieces (Released 2023)

Subtraction (2019)
- by Minus 103 (David Barnes and Steve Coxe)

Terrain (2017)

Rhodes by Design (2016)
- by Minus 103
(David Barnes and Steve Coxe)

Axiom (2013)

Unsurpassed Outtakes & Unfinished Masterpieces Vol. 1 & 2 (2012)

Unsurpassed Outtakes & Unfinished Masterpieces Vol. 3 & 4 (2012)

Minus 103 (2009)
- by Minus 103
(David Barnes and Steve Coxe)

Lost in the Garden of Delay (2008)

Cactus Behavior (2000)
(A compilation of Barnes' instrumental works from the early 1990's)

Hinges (1997)